Thursday, October 20, 2011

My Outline

Intro: Slums, what can I say about it; it's very disgusting thing for the world.
If we lived in slum, there would be un-recycled items on the ground, homeless and ugly houses, and there would be trash everywhere.
II. There would be un-recycled items that are on the ground.
A. Trash isn't dispose of properly the way it should be.
B. People don't recycle items to save more items.
i. " Paper, bottles would be seen everywhere you go".
C. It's important to recycle so we can make new stuffs.
D. The worst is the houses that people live in.

III. There would be horrible; and homeless houses where the people live.
A. The houses that the people live in are all falling to pieces, they aren't clean and don't have bathrooms.
B. People struggle when they are living in these houses.
i. "It's a living hell living in these horrible houses.
ii. The houses give a bad and tough life to the people who live in them.
C. People can't afford to pay for a well constructed house.
D. Please help us construct better and economical houses for these people.

V. Conclusion
A. People you don't want slum to come and hit the world or do we.
B. All  of these causes is the reason why slum happens in some parts of the world.
C. Slum will cause all of these problems to come to our world and then well be struggling.
D. So think about it do you really want slum to hit us and be struggling to find clean water, to walk in a dirty park who was once clean; then think about it help the earth from becoming the SLUM.....

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