Thursday, November 3, 2011

Final Darft

Slum is happening in places of the world and we don't even know and we don't do anything about it. Slum is a nasty word for the poor people where they live is a place that is really poor and very disgusting. If we lived in slum there would be non- recycled items in the floor wherevere we go, we would have houses that don't have supporting roofs and are falling down, and there would be trash everywhere on the floor being uncared for.

There would be non-recycled items in the ground. Items are being dumped all over the ground. "It's littered with refuse, too: plastic bags; glass bottles." Items that can be recycled are being dumped on rivers, lakes and more places contaminating them. These causes aren't being taken good cared of in order to decrease slum. If we lived in slum we would have houses with non-supporting roofs and they would be falling down.

Houses would be falling apart and some wouldn't have roofs that protect you from anything falling on top of you. Some people loose their houses due to not being warned about them loosing their homes. "They knocked down our shanty, saying that they wanted to build better houses, and they said that this shanty was a source of insecurity." Houses are being lost and property is being taken away. People are being fooled about getting their houses repaired but instead they get them taken away. If we lived in slum there would be trash everywhere on the floor being uncared of.

 Trash would be everywhere you go, you'll see it on the trees, lakes, rivers; on the park everywhere there would be trash. There would be human waste outside houses."It's a collection of what's known in slum vernacular as "flying toilets"- fimsy bags filled with human waste." People that don't have toilets in their houses put their human waste in a plastic bag and put it outside the front door of their house. People dont have working toilets so they do what they do. All of these causes are the effects of slum that are cause to us.

Slum is happening in places of the world and don't even know and we don't do anything about it. If we lived in slum there would be non-recycled items on the floor wherever we go, we would have houses that don't have supporting roofs and are falling down, and there would be trash everywhere on the floor being uncared for. These problems can be stopped if we all gather together and stop it. so think about next time you want to kill the planet think of other people from different places of the world.